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Thursday 9 November 2017

PO Creation in NAV from SMS

Many a times, we have been asked if we can access NAV from areas which have limited or no internet connection at all. I was recently setting up a demo for an organization that did most of its business in areas where internet connectivity is impossible as these areas are very remote.

However, an SMS need not require internet connection and so I was intrigued by the idea of using SMS to create Orders (be it SO or PO).

In order to do this, you will require the following:

1. A dedicated e-mail id
2. Outlook running continually on a dedicated machine
3. An application that can forward SMS's received on a particular number to the e-mail id.
4. NAV code to read the mails periodically

I used outlook automation tool in the following manner:

1. Fetch the default name space
2. Fetch the default folder (usually 6 for inbox)
3. Read mail based on it being "Un-Read"
4. Read the body and save it into text
5. Read the text and create order
6. Mark mail as Read.

If anyone requires the code do ping me.